Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Life In A Metro

I saw this movie twice – the second time was a mistake - A BIG ONE.

There are many things that one learnt. The main ones deal with sex.

But first congratulations to Dharmendra and Nafisa – they are the oldest couple in Indian filmdom who have an on screen smoochero. Which leads me to the next point – it seems that they do not know how to.

So the first thing that comes across is that – OLD PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW HOW TO KISS.

The second is that sex is bad for health - after a night of gentle love making Nafisa konks off next morning. Maybe it was the thought of making tea for Dharmendra.

While on the very same subject it seems that one has to be unscrupulous if one has to have sex. However there is no doubt that the “give and take” in sex is very well depicted.

On the positive side the only way one can get lucky is by being immoral. And if one is moral then you end up “playing your flute” or “mowing your lawn”.

Which comes to Konkona – no I am not stalking her. But considering her choice of men (check out Pg 3 and this movie) she seems to veer to the unattainable. In both movies she opens the bedroom door to find her beau with, no not another woman, but with another man.

Cant wait to see what she opens the next door to.

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