Sunday, April 15, 2012

Me a capitalist!

Gandhi said 'be the change you wish to see',

That is for others but not for me.

I live in a big house with more than one loo,

But I aint going to say 'and so should you'.

I preach austerity that's what I do well,

I have an AC, washing machine; aint that swell?

I talk about equality, justice and opportunity lost,

The pay I give is lower than my laptop cost.

I talk about SEZ and acquisition of land,

A car manufactured in such a plot is my brand.

I think I live frugally and its for all to see,

I bought some land, I cant wait to be a retiree.

I zip across the world holding forth in foreign halls,

I make my money plotting capitalism's downfall.


Wildlife Whisperer said...

Beautiful <3

Love it :D

Anonymous said...

So true what u said, Sad that India rich and well placed people have 2 faces, 1 public to preach and the other their personal lives

John Chelladurai said...

Hi Samir
The discrepant life is well depicted in the poem. I loved it

nb said...

Simple, yet profound.