Monday, November 28, 2011

Turn the other cheek?

When there is no money to buy another pair of shoes

Is it any wonder that the hand was used?

But what caused the hand to meet the cheek?

Is the current scenario indeed so bleak?

We have Mukesh Ambani not entering Antilla

But says that faster reforms should be high on the agenda.

We have a government unable to help agriculture

But thinks FDI in retail will help this sector.

There is a parliament that frequently convenes

Where members raise salaries, voices and let out steam.

And while those who can feast fast for a cause

There are hapless millions going hungry without pause

Though some say a slap and violence we must eschew

Could it be communicating the common-man’s point of view?


John Chelladurai said...

"When there is no money to buy another pair of shoes

Is it any wonder that the hand was used?" is a logical question.

And I liked this line too.
"while those who can feast fast for a cause

There are hapless millions going hungry without pause"

Nina Subramani said...

good one sam!

Nina Subramani said...

good one sam!

Dilip Khashnobish said...

Very well written.

Anonymous said...

Good one, enjoyed reading