The prognosis was not very good
I staggered out, dying for a cigarette
I am indestructible
I have lived a full life
Killing different parts of me
I am indestructible
I never saw a glass half empty or half full
I always had a bottle at hand
I am indestructible
The future was never of interest
I never heard of a tomorrow
I am indestructible
My circle of friends is large
It is true that ‘all the world is a stage’
I am indestructible
hmm... interesting...
can't quite decide if its defeatist or inspirited... perhaps both
a curious posing of negative with positive...negative wins hands down though!
Its not bad verse, but nor is it glad verse. It is good verse, If it can be better verse I am not a competent judge.
The colour it gives is grey, the picture it paints is real - a gladiator facing all odds confident of being impervious, to that extent is visionary more accurate than realistic. But Poetry is also often visionary, I suppose.
Your universe is expanding I see.
That's great and very positive. Go! Go!
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