What is worse with the mosquito is that it announces its presence much before it actually sits down to eat. The whine of a mosquito making a pass at a ‘meal’ is enough to get the ‘meal’ clapping with the hope that the mosquito magically gets sandwiched between the hands. But invariably what happens is that the meal just hurts himself as the mosquito deftly dodges the hands. What adds insult to injury is when the hand misses the mosquito absorbed in its bloody business on another part of the body.
The EMS, pictured here, is an instrument that solves a problem before it becomes one. It changes the rules of engagement by making the user more proactive.

It would make George Bush and Advani extremely happy as with the EMS the user can ‘hot-pursuit’ the target all over. The user could also use stealth and guile - acting as bait to draw the mosquito and then using the EMS when the mosquito is in reach, this in-effect means that the EMS can be used to create a no-fly-zone and enforce it.
The EMS gives grace to an unpleasant activity. To some this tool provides the much

needed athleticism to an otherwise sedentary lifestyle because the technique for use is badminton like so well captured in the image on the left. Its design also allows the user to adopt more fluid movements that are less stressful than the method pictured above. The movements of Taichi can be moulded into the use of the EMS. As the EMS is not about force but about reach and touch it suits well to the Dao of this system.

Besides the benefits mentioned above the EMS has been found to enhance relationships as it is a gift of concern and one based on empathy. Gifting an EMS is about empowering the other as it provides a painless solution to the user who till then only had a pair of hands and reflexes to deal with the mosquito.
The EMS is a tool of ingenuity as it combines the idea of the regular fly swatter with the broad sweep of a badminton racket. I don’t know what is more ingenious these adaptations or the fact that it was electrified or is it the whole package. I have written this with the EMS by my side not only did it provide me the requisite inspiration but it helped me enforce a no-fly-zone.
I just find the whole thing ridiculous. My mother was moving around the house the other day, frying all the mosquitos in sight. Okay, so it provided much needed comic relief. Earlier, my cousin brother from New Zealand wanted me to get him a couple of these. And off late I have noticed that Haldiram outlets across the city have a dedicated person in the staff moving about the crowds and executing a deft backhand here and a sweep there.
i am shocked by the sight of people who want to see a pregnant insect fried alive for seeking food for its eggs.
besides, i gape at the foolishness of people who think they can fry all the insects in the world by swatting!
isnt there something called a repellant?
the only thing i probably agree so far as an argument from a swatter ( no one's given me so far) is that swatting is better than using a toxic repellant.
righteous indignation is all very well...and rights for mosquitoes...as far as i'm aconcerned they should all be fried!
no odomus smell
no 'goodnight' wheeze
no toxic ddt
ems zindabad!
EMS Zindabaad is a powerful slogan! never thought I could use it after this while and away from Kerala.
This EMS that SAM talks about i should confess was my best friend in Chennai when I was there recently.It not just gave me great empowerment finally to see that I can deal with those hundreds of invincible vampires but also a pleasent sleep.
The last time i was felt so empowered was when i used a flat plate smeared with oil,but it didn't have this reach.
But in the age of global warming and impending mosquito outbreas I see a great future for EMS.Wish it could derive its energy from a renewable source.
Loooks!!!! like the writer is pretty jobless and a lot of time in the world but nothing urgent to tend to. in our part of the world, we call this species "thinkers". well, they gave us reason and made a critique of it too. then they brought modernism and replaced it with post modernism. some said all are true and some truth can never be known. however, i like them cause as huxley says " a thinker gives you more pleasure than sex".
Not sure what shoes Huxley was wearing but I sure dont want to be in them.
Glad to know you lean towards thinkers but I hope sex has not yet lost its charm.
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