I have come across some documents about the whole conversion crisis. I would have liked to put this mind blowing stuff on my site but that may kinda jeopardise my future on this fragile earth. So I wont be naming names, places but will surmise this fabulous idea. I hope this will ensure I maintain my current status quo.
The whole conversion issue is actually linked to climate change. The RSS in its foresight not only saw the problems that may arise from climate change but also found its FINAL SOLUTION which they sold to others.
As anybody living on this planet of ours knows - climate change is supposed to be the gravest threat facing us. Weather patterns will change resulting in changes to the agricultural systems. Large amounts of coastal land will be submerged leading to large levels of displacement – which means that there is going to be a lot of human misery and a lot of money to be spent to deal with the situation once it befalls us.
Now there are two ways to solve a problem tackle it before it becomes one or deal it after it becomes unmanageable. To tackle the issue of climate change before it becomes a bigger problem requires changes in lifestyle and the current model of economic development which means we should not be buying those huge SUVS, building those coal fired thermal powered plants and also not promising nuclear energy to be the panacea. But that takes cojones (balls in our language) which political parties don’t have.
So all forms of secularists (pseudo and otherwise) including BJP, Congress I and everyone else came together at a secret conclave (would have liked to tell you where) with a highpriest from the RSS (name withheld for the same reason). He came up with a suggestion that everyone loved – stop people from converting to Christianity and Islam (in the case of Islam it would be ensuring a Uniform Civil Code).
Christians and Muslims are meat eaters, now it is known that the ecological footprint of meat eaters is more than non meat eaters. This is because cattle (all forms) need grass to eat - so forests are cut, also cattle fart a lot of methane a greenhouse gas.
So by reducing the number of meat eaters (christian and muslims) India would be infact killing two birds with one stone. India would still meet its growth requirements with the current coal based system, while the BJP would have reduced the populations of the Christians and Muslims.
So that is why this sudden bogey of conversion and the resulting need to burn churches, rape a few nuns and displace people and the finding of 50 bombs in trees and behind hoardings in Surat. This is all for the greater good of the country. These are being planned in such a way to ensure that India has something to show-case at the next climate meeting in Copenhagen which is the do-or-die event for all countries.
Please don’t quote me on this but the main opposition party after next years election will be the Communists.
1 comment:
there is a small disagreement on your analysis of the RSS plot to save the planet from climate change.Actually there are more hindus,since i dont know what else to call those thousands of communities who are dont follow either khuran,bible or gurugrant sahib but are also habitants of south of Sindhu,who are meat eaters than the Indian christians and muslims put together.So i doubt whether the RSS plan will ever hwlp the planet.
What the world needs is a few Adolf Hitlers.He was a VEGETARIAN and he effectively administrated populations control measures.I'm sure both qualifies him to be a 'climate hero'
there is a partial disagreement on the punch line also.The communists were 'always the only' opposition.
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