There were all kinds of women in all kinds of boots, long haired blondes in black stiletto boots to brunettes in velvet boots.
Unfortunately I had to catch a plane to
It’s cold in
That’s when the camera failed me and taking no chances I trashed it.
We were passing a beauty school and the lovely ladies were outside smoking I had to induce my friend to whip out his camera phone and click the first set of snaps. We had to almost crawl on our knees to get those boot clusters.
I hadn’t yet given up on a camera so I walked into a shop but hurried out to tell my friend to have his camera ready because another spectacular pair of boots were walking out.
We tried to capture boots on cycles and the closest we came to such a photo was when a pair of boots was unlocking a cycle.

So pretty soon we (my American friends and I) were looking down - as if guilty to check out what the road had to offer. We did not go on the looks of what was in the boots, but focused on the character of the boots. Thus you will notice that there are no faces. we were tempted on occasions but stood fast to our aims. We went to pubs to quench our thirst where the variety beers and boots competed for our attention. And this continued till the lights turned unfriendly.

Very entertaining. Though I am inclined to believe you really really wanted to click more than just boots :)
What would boots be without what they carry, just as a milk can ----! No doubt there are a variety of boots but the character of each comes out when seen with its contents and also changes with the contents. Going a bit further the character of the contents also changes with the boots that carry them!! Another case of which comes first???
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